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LIVE Webinar November 20th, 2023 at 11AM MST (Replay Provided)

Discover the path to releasing yourself from the blocks of the past and step into a life of healing and creating with thousands of amazing souls from around the globe in this special webinar hosted by Vianna Stibal, creator of the ThetaHealing Technique.

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Webinar With Vianna

Discover the path to releasing yourself from the blocks of the past and step into a life of healing and creating with thousands of amazing souls from around the globe in this special webinar hosted by Vianna Stibal, creator of the ThetaHealing Technique.

Finally Let Go Of The Past That Is

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Releasing the deeply rooted bitterness from the past that clouds your present and future is possible for everyone. If you can't seem to let go of painful memories, are holding on to resentment, or find the shadow of the past looming over your every step, this transformative webinar is for you.

Inside, Vianna shares the strategies that she has honed over decades teaching thousands of people from all over the world how to truly heal. These are not just teachings, but living testimonies of the healing power nestled in the art of letting go.

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Together, we’ll unearth and confront lasting hurts and resentments to illuminate your path forward to profound release, healing, and

Together, we’ll unearth and confront lasting hurts and resentments to illuminate your path forward to profound release, healing, and inner peace.

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Inside This Transformational Webinar,

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Find True Healing

Experience the profound transformation of dissolving past resentments to find deep inner healing and harmony.

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Master The Art Of Letting Go

Learn the art of release, freeing yourself from the anchors of past bitterness to discover a future of peace and possibility.

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Unlock Inner Peace

Embrace the tranquility that comes from releasing the past, finding an inner balance that comes from the roots of healed and released past resentments.

What's Included With Your Access To The

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Access to the 90 minute+ webinar where Vianna will share her proven strategies to release any bitterness from the past.

Access to the webinar translations in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, Greek, Arabic, Italian, Farsi, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian and German.

Q & A session at the end of the webinar, where Vianna answers the most pressing questions about your healing journey, giving you the opportunity to delve deeper into your personal path and receive personalized guidance.

Private online group community for webinar attendees only to connect and receive support in releasing the past and moving into healing.

Access to the 90 minute+ webinar and QA session that outlines the exact steps to raise your vibration to attract what you desire.

Access to the webinar translations in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish and German. Listen to the most important parts of this transformative event at your convenience and as often as you'd like.

Step-by-step guide for raising your vibration including worksheets and exercises.

Raising Your Vibration monthly and weekly planners to set actionable, accountable goals.

Gateway to Consciousness Checklist, designed to make raising your vibration easy and fulfilling.

Get Access To All Of This For Just $53 USD

This powerful experience is more than a webinar; it is a unique opportunity to redefine your relationship with your past, aligning your soul with the peace of the present. It's time to finally let go of resentment and welcome healing.

What's Included With Your Access To The LIVE

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Access to the LIVE 90 minute+ webinar where Vianna will share her proven strategies to release any bitterness from the past.

Access to the webinar translations in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, Greek, Arabic, Italian, Farsi, Croatian and German.

Q & A session at the end of the webinar, where Vianna will answer the most pressing questions about your healng journey, giving you the opportunity to delve deeper into your personal path and receive personalized guidance.

Private online group community for webinar attendees only to connect and receive support in releasing the past and moving into healing.

Access to the 90 minute+ webinar and QA session that outlines the exact steps to raise your vibration to attract what you desire.

Access to the webinar translations in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Czech, Hungarian and German. Listen to the most important parts of this transformative event at your convenience and as often as you'd like.

Q & A session at the end of the webinar, where Vianna will answer the most pressing questions about your healing journey, giving you the opportunity to delve deeper into your personal path and receive personalized guidance.

Private online group community for webinar attendees only to connect and receive support in releasing the past and moving into healing.

Get Access To All Of This For Just $53 USD

This powerful experience is more than a webinar; it is a unique opportunity to redefine your relationship with your past, aligning your soul with the peace of the present. It's time to finally let go of resentment and welcome healing.

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Join A Community Of Others On A Healing Journey

When you sign up for the Releasing The Bitterness From The Past Webinar for just $53, your journey toward healing and inner peace will be supported every step of the way. You will gain access to an exclusive and supportive Facebook group of souls just like you, seeking to let go of the past holding them back. In this community, the ThetaHealing team will be actively answering questions and providing support.

About Vianna Stibal, Founder of the ThetaHealing® Technique

My name is Vianna and I am the founder of the ThetaHealing® technique. I've spent years teaching people from all over the world my spiritual philosophy and meditation technique ThetaHealing®.

If you know how it feels to want to release things in your past holding you back, but nothing seems to be working, then you are facing the same dilemma as many others in the world that are searching for inner peace and healing by letting go of the past.

I have taught people with these frustrations for many years, and have developed an easy-to-use spiritual strategy that is designed to help people do just that.

Whether you are a ThetaHealing® Practitioner, Instructor, or someone just starting out, the tools are simple to learn and designed to help anyone that is ready.

I have witnessed many miracles inside the body and out. I have seen people heal and others who did not. I have a knowing that the Creator is Real and no matter what religion you are, you can tap into it.

I have dedicated my life to the Creator. Through this journey, I have found ways of helping myself and others to have health, love abundance and joy.

Inside this special webinar, I share my spiritual strategies to release the bitterness from the past and let go of resentment to find healing.

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What Others Are Saying About The Power of ThetaHealing® Experiences

What Others Are Saying About The Power of ThetaHealing® Experiences

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Find The Peace That Awaits When You

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Do I need to have prior experience with ThetaHealing to participate?

Nope! You don't need to have any prior experience with ThetaHealing to participate in this webinar. Vianna will guide you through the techniques and strategies, making it accessible for beginners as well as providing new insights for those with more experience.

What languages are available?

The webinar is available in the following languages with more being added: English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, Greek, Arabic, Italian, Farsi, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian and German.

I’ve purchased a ThetaHealing webinar before. Should I purchase this one?

Absolutely! Each ThetaHealing® webinar is a unique and transformative experience, delving into different aspects of personal and spiritual growth. In this webinar, we're focusing on specialized techniques and insights to help attendees release past bitterness and resentment.

Even if you've joined us before, this webinar offers new perspectives, tools, and a supportive community experience to facilitate a deeper level of healing. We'll be exploring tailored strategies to turn past pains and resentments into powerful catalysts for growth, peace, and well-being.

How can I be sure that this investment is worth it?

We are dedicated to providing high-quality, transformative experiences. Many attendees of past webinars have shared powerful testimonials about the changes they've experienced in their lives, which you can read through on this page. We believe in the value of this webinar and are confident it can bring about a positive shift in your life.

Do I need a Facebook account?

Nope! You will receive access to the webinar and replay via email from If you would like to take advantage of the private Facebook group community for additional connection and support you will need a Facebook account, but it is not necessary to participate in the webinar.

Is there a refund policy?

This webinar is non-refundable. We believe deeply in the spiritual techniques you are about to learn.

Can I give this as a gift?

The Releasing The Bitterness From The Past webinar makes a great gift for loved ones, friends or family. Just select “My order includes a gift” at checkout. You can even leave a personalized message with your gift.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is designed for anyone seeking freedom from past bitterness, resentment, and emotional wounds. It is for individuals who are ready to release the past and step into a space of healing and inner peace.

How do I access the Facebook group?

Once you have enrolled in the webinar, you will receive instructions via email on how to join the private Facebook group. This is an exclusive community for webinar participants, where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and connect with others on a similar journey.

What is the cost of the webinar?

The cost of the webinar is $53, which includes access to the live event, a replay of the webinar in both English and your language, and access to an exclusive Facebook group where you can connect with other participants and receive ongoing support from Vianna and her team.



Gifting Options

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Releasing The Bitterness From The Past Meditation & Journaling Bundle

Releasing The Bitterness From The Past Audio Tracks & Journaling Bundle

Looking to elevate your journey of healing and renewal? Get access to the Releasing The Bitterness From The Past Audio Track & Journaling Bundle - exclusively tailored for those attending the webinar.

For just $24, you'll get access to three (3) powerful audio tracks that Vianna has personally developed:

- Forgiveness Meditation

- Baby In The Womb (Healing Trauma You Were Born With)

- Unconditional Love

To further guide your journey, you will also receive a beautifully crafted digital companion journal. This will allow you to reflect, jot down insights, and track your journey releasing the past and moving toward healing.

This bundle is exclusively designed for attendees like you, and it's an offer you won't find anywhere else. Secure this special now and receive your bundle with your webinar replay link in your language. Check the box below to add this exclusive bundle to your order.

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