Ready To Attract or Amplify Your Relationship with Your Divine Life Partner? Join us for:
Learn how to magnetize the divine connection of your soul mate with thousands of amazing souls from all over the world in this powerful webinar hosted by Vianna Stibal, creator of the ThetaHealing® Technique.
Every one of us has a soul mate in this lifetime. If you've been searching for yours and just can't seem to find them, or you've found your soul mate and are ready to strengthen that connection, this webinar is for you.
Inside, Vianna shares the techniques learned in her decades as a spiritual teacher and in her own journey of finding her soul mate, then teaches you how to use the same techniques with your own divine partner.
Use and amplify the essence of love within you, creating a potent energetic frequency that either attracts your soul mate or deepens your existing bond.
Learn practical and spiritual strategies for strengthening your connection with your soul mate, whether you're looking to attract your soul mate or you have already found them.
Uncover the secrets of using your personal energetic field as a magnetic force to effortlessly attract your soul mate to you.
When you sign up for the Magnetic Attraction Webinar for just $53, you won't be alone in your journey. You'll be granted access to an exclusive and supportive Facebook group of people just like you, looking for amplify their connection to their soul mate. The community, Vianna and her team will be answering questions and providing support and motivation in the group.
My name is Vianna and I am the founder of the ThetaHealing® technique. For years I dreamed of a man that I was to be with later on in my life.
From my dreams I would always call him my guy from Montana. I asked the Creator time and time again what his name was, but I was told simply that he was my “guy from Montana.” In my waking hours, I would tell my friends about the kind of man that I wanted, hoping that my man from Montana was the “one.”
I was having a discussion with one of my friends and I realize now that I was manifesting for my soul mate, because I began to specify to her just what I needed in a man, or I was going to give up. I told her that I wanted a man that was tall with blue eyes and brown hair. I told her that he had to be stable and I wanted the man that I dreamed of, my man from Montana.
In 1997, I met a man whose name was Guy Stibal. (Get it? Stibal sounds like stable.) When I saw my friend again she heard Guy’s last name and said “Boy, can you manifest!” Guy was a farmer and a rancher. He farmed on the family farm in Idaho and he worked on the ranch in Montana in the summer. I had seen this man in such detail that when I met him, I thought the Creator was playing a joke on me, for certainly it couldn’t be this easy.
To this day I know that the Creator gives you all the answers you need. My husband’s name is Guy and he is from Montana- “My Guy from Montana.” He is a partner with me on this journey, supporting me completely in the creation of the ThetaHealing® technique as we travel to different places in the world teaching people.
The same soul mate connection is possible for you.
Inside this webinar, I share with you the energetic and spiritual strategies to illuminate or enhance the connection to your soul mate, based on my proven techniques and personal experience.